"I know, I know, just stay still and act like a stuffed
animal," he mumbled.
"Yes, but I also want you to read silently with me."
Kiro made a surprised face. "Wha?! How come?"
"Reading isn't one of my favorite passtimes, and I don't want to
do it alone. I always feel more comfortable when I'm pretending one
of my stuffed animals is reading with me."
"I don't know."
"Come on. I'll pack a couple of those chocolate donuts you like
so much."
"The cream filled ones?"
"Yeah, with sprinkles."
"All right! I'll do anything for free food! Pack me up!"
So, Sakura and Kiro headed out. They met Sakura's best friend Madison
outside. "So, what are you planning on getting?" Madison
asked Sakura.
"I don't really know. You remember she said we'll get extra
credit points if we do a classic, and that translate to me as the only
way to get an A. I'm kinda in the mood for fantasy, but I can't think
of any classic fantasy books offhand."
"Maybe King Arthur?"
"I'm kinda thinking about that. I also considered Beowulf, but
Tori told me it was really tough. But is that it?"
"I dunno. We'll find out. I'm wanting a book on Dragon
folklore, so we'll be in the same department."
"Sure, I like dragons. Anyhow, what can be more classic than
stories that are centuries old?"
"Gotta point."
Sakura's reading class had a book report coming up, so they all had a
field trip to the big library downtown (for some reason, their teacher
didn't trust the school library). Sakura brought along Kiro, too, but
she had to make a very strict agreement.