"How do you mean?"
"Have you ever read the story of the Tower of Babble? Well, this
is nicknamed the Card of Babble. It causes anyone who looks at it to
speak only in jibberish, in any language."
"Well, Madison's looking at it. She think its a dragon book.
What should we do?"
"It must have enchanted itself to look like a book. The cover
changes to suit exactly what the person is looking for. We better
capture it before it causes any more damage."
Suddenly, the whole library fills with yellow light. "You had to
say it, didn't you?" Sakura thought she heard Lee say.
She pulled out that bird key. "Poisson" she said (French
for fish). She kept trying to concentrate on the incantation to awake
the spell, but it all spilled out in different languages. "Oh
no!" she thought. "I can't say the
"It's the Language Card. It has the power of ultimate