"Down here, ma'am," a hoarse voice answered. She looked
down to see a frog. He hopped to the window and said, "I need to
take a loan. I'm planning on going to a cruise on my vacation, and I
need $5,000."
Patricia was astonished. First, a frog was in her line, now he's
asking for a humongous loan. "Ooooookaaaaaay, what's your
"Oh, Kermit Jagger. My dad's named Mick. He's famous, and he
knows the manager."
"I'm sorry, sir, but even those credentials, I can't take out a
loan that big without some collateral."
"Don't worry, I have that too." He pulled out from his
little briefcase a porcelain pink elephant. Patricia looked at it
confused. "I'm afraid I need to talk to the manager."
"Take your time, ma'am."
She went back to her boss still as bewildered as can be. "What's
the matter?" her boss asked.
"You're not gonna believe this, but there's a frog named Kermit
Jagger out there who wants a $5,000 loan, and he gives this to me as
collateral." She showed him the elephant. "What in the
world is this?"
The manager smiled and answered, "It's a knick-knack, Patty
Whack. Give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone."
Patricia C. Whack worked as a teller at a local bank at Los Angelas.
It was a very busy day, lots of people in line to her window, but she
noticed a huge gap in the line. When the person in front of the gap
left, she asked, "May I help you?"