"Who is that?" he yells. A tall guy painted with talcum
powder comes out from behind a tree just as about 50 motorbikes roar
"Yes, the master is waiting."
"Good," says Obi-Wan. 'This light saber is making my nose
Obi-Wan and the weird white dude come to this big castle where some
freako maid is sliding down the bannisters.
"We're all lucky..."she screams and walks towards two huge
closed doors. Obi-Wan can hear the sounds of a party.
"Well, some of us are lucky," mutters the white painted dude
and follows the maid, brandishing a giant pink feather duster.
You and Obi-Wan start to go to the doors but then the butler comes out
from inside a clock with a skeletan for a face.
"Yes, it's a special night at the master's home. You're very
"Way cool dude," you say and hi-five him as he opens the
huge doors and about 85 people hold up their plaster party glasses to
look at you.
Suddenly, the main starts jumping around and a woman in a black halter
top and pink shorts hands you a glass of something fizzy.
"Let's do the Time Warp again....!!!' WHAT DO YOU
Yeah, Obi-Wan says and starts walking across the planet, the rain is
falling and he hears some one singing.