A stunned silence follows. The large hall, formerly buzzing with
voices is silent, as people turn towards you; shock, fear, remorse, on
their faces. You can feel their eyes on you, watching every move, and
strangely enough, you think.. "Is this what a rabbit in a cage
feels like? Or a goldfish in a bowl?" But they aren't just
staring.. in their eyes you can feel so acutely now, their fear, their
pain.. their sense of.... loss??
"It is the end.. She doesn't know.... We are finished." a
lady screams. You feel the fear in the room, and know there is only
one thing you can do...
"Look here buddy, I'm still a kid" you say, pushing the
sword away, you continue "I don't know know who you are, or where
I am, and this is beginning to sound awfully like some science fiction
movie. Dalphina? Is that even a name? You people are all crazy!"