The goat only goat off the truck one time. Some neighbor hood kids
took me to a rock and roll concert the music Old School Funk. I was
dancing around with some of the ladies. Then someone grapped me by the
horns and through me into the mosh pit until I sprayed them with spit.
Then the music stopped and the Rock and Rollers started chanting kill
the goat, Kill the Goat. They chased me under the bleachers, they
chased me into the street, they chased me into the alley then I saw a
sight I thought I'd never see it was the old man swinging his hickory
stick but he wasn't swinging at me. I ran and jumped into the truck.
When we got home the old man said,"Goat you've broke the sacred
the law. No, please, sorry, Shoot, If you do it again I'll break your
jaw! Super, Great, O.k