If you like pokemon, you should check out the ever-developing Pokemon
Survivor Post. INTJ started it, but since she left, she entrusted her
journal to me and my Galileo handheld computer to finish up the tale.
I do believe she put you in it. I checked out the ending, and well
you won't believe it! It was not what I expected at all! It will
come up in a week or two, I imagine.
BTW, I looked around the sight to get more of a feel for it, and INTJ
put her website address for you to see in the more old posts section,
since you asked for it. Since you were on that island, you probably
haven't seen it yet. I haven't either, but I imagine I will sometime.
I believe it will be something you'll enjoy.
Beanie McChimp and Senior Fusion have yet to show. Ah, c'est la vie.