"Lady Annetta was kidnapped about a month ago," Janessa
says. "We think it was either for ransom, or the work of one of
your cousins that wants to inherit the throne instead of you.
Everybody at court was very relieved when you turned up, safe and
sound but for a bit of a nasty head wound. I was the only one who
knew you weren't her, and then only because I came from the same
village and know your family. And then I kept my mouth shut because,
after all, what poor peasant girl wouldn't jump for a chance to live
with royalty?" She smiles sarcastically at this last sentence.
Then she looks you straight in the eyes and says, "I can reunite
you with your family today if you want. I'm sure that as soon as you
see them, you'll regain all your memories. Everyone's too scared of
you getting kidnapped again to let you leave the castle, so you'll
have to sneak out by way of the river. Just jump from the balcony
here, and swim with the current til you see a village of small wooden
houses right on the water."
"But how could they all mistake me for her?" you ask.