You say "I wanna go to the game Zelda" Poof! In a cloud of
smoke you appear in your tree house, a sheild on your back, and a
sword in your hand. As you start to leave you see Saria, and she
starts to talk about you going to Gorgon City. Just then you hear a
tiny little voice, you lok up, its your fairy! She tells you you
better hurry up, and get to Gorgon City, as you leave your house is
waiting for you! *WoW* You think, my very own horse, how cool! You
jump up on your house and start to ride her, you look down at your
hand, you see a whip, you think a whip? Thats weird, because you don't
like to hit horses, so you just bend over and pet you horse and say,
"Geddy up!" and the horse starts to run, ohh, you think, you
start to feel you stomach turn, so you bend down toward the horse,
untill a sekeleton appeares, because it is night times as you hear the
wolf howl!