"No", the iguana says. "You can see. You just have to
recognize who you are, and you have to remember your past."
"B-b-but", you stammer, "I have already searched my
mind, straining it like crazy trying to remember who I am."
"Well", the iguana says, "Have you tried the
"How will that help me?" you say, but because you are blind,
you don't realize that the iguana is gone. "Hello?" You
call. "Are you there?"
You spend a moment listening for the iguana, but all you hear is the
whirling wind sweeping across the tan blanket of sand. You pull out
the crystal.
"What am I supposed to do with this?" You say. "I
can't even see it! What if the iguana is lying? And how did he know
about me and the crystal in the first place? And, more obviously, how
can an iguana talk?"
You head, blinded, off into the vast wasteland of a
Suddenly, a bright green iguana jumps out at you. Its scales reflect
the light of the sunset into your eyes. "AAAAAAAAAHH!", you
cry. "I'm bl-bl-blinded!"