Suddenly there is an army of Bandits and Brigands. They charge at
you and pull you upon their horses. Your Friend pulls out a sword, bot
it dosen't do any good. They come up to him and gave him a knock-out
blow on the head. Then they pick him up and bring him along.
Strangely you feel the stone in your pocket steadily grow warm. The
bandit that you are with notices and empties our pockets and found the
At the sight of the stone, the bandit was at a loss of words. H-H-How
did f-f-find the m-m-magical stone of Herspisia? It has been missing
since the days of King Shetan. It supposedly was distroyed the day
that he died, but now the stone has been found HEE HEE HEE! No one
will be able to stop us now.