After the battle, Lord Penn is standing in the keep, with you and the
rest of the Mercenaries he hired by his side. Altogether, you made a
team of 5. Lord Penn was the leader, and he was a Sage. You were a
Mercenary, Claude was a Myrmidon, Ashton was an Assassin, and Rouge,
the only female member, was a thief.
An hour later, Penn explains to the group that you need to take over
the rest of the Elves' kingdom. There are two forts and one palace
remaining, so he decides to split the group. He will go to the palace
with Rouge, Ashton will go to Fort A, and Claude will go to Fort B.
Who will you go with? Penn and Rouge, Ashton, or
Instead of wiping her out now, you decide that it is better that she
lives. For now. In lou of killing her, you punch her in the head,
knocking her unconcious. You continue attacking soldiers with Penn.