Before you, there is a large clearing in a forest.
The day is bright and there is a soft cool breeze.
You can see small faeries and sprites whizzing
through the air, unafraid of your sudden presence.
The faeries are tiny iridesent blue winged beings
with tiny human-like features. The sprites, on
the other hand, are black and silver beetle-like
creatures. They are magical creatures who can
bring luck. The only problem is that one is for
good luck and the other is for bad. You just can't
remember which is which.
You walk further into the clearing and sit cross-
legged. You close your eyes and gently rock
back and forth, wishing that you could remember
who you are. Soon you begin to cry. You kno
that crying won't help, but are unable to stop.
You open your eyes and see that a sprite is
sitting on the end of your nose. Startled, you
brush the sprite away. Immediatley, you feel
Now, you are really confused. Was the presence
of the sprite bad luck, causing you to cry unctrollably
or good luck, causing you to stop. Finally you
As you crawl through the left door, you immediatly
realize that a change of clothing is unneccessary.