"Who are you?" you ask.
The elf seems really frightened of you and starts to retreat backwards
into the dense shrubbery.
"No ... no, wait!" you cry. "Please!"
The elf stops and glances at you, shaking with terror.
"Please don't ... " the elf says. "Please don't hurt
"Why would I hurt you?" you ask, frowning.
"Because you ... you're ... " the elf says. "You're ...
you're tricking me!"
"No!" you cry. "I'm not."
"Fine," the elf says. "Give me your dice."
"Why?" you ask.
The elf sighs. "I knew it. You're tricking me."
"I lost my memory!" you exclaim. "Just why do you want
"Because they can save the elves!" the elf cries.
You stop and think. Can you really save the elves, as he says? Or is
he tricking you? Or are you tricking him? You can't remember anything.
Were you evil, as this elf seems to suggest? Is it worth the risk of
trusting him? Or do you trust yourself, when you can't remember
anything you've ever done?
The thing comes forward and you recognise it an another elf.