"Hello," says a little girl with big angel wings, hovering
in the air in front of you.
"Does the wizard know about this tunnel?" you ask.
"No," she says. "It's the one tunnel he doesn't know
about. I built it, not him."
"What would happen if he found it?" you ask.
"Getting through that tunnel would be a lot harder for him than
for you," she says. You remember how hard it was for you to
crawl through, and wonder what would make it harder for the wizard.
Would the walls burn when he touched them? Would there be biting
insects crawling around everywhere? "You don't have the think
about that if you don't want to," the little girl
You keep on crawling. The walls have gotten rougher, too, and they
tear at your clothing and sometimes, your skin. But just when you
think you're going to be stuck forever, the walls around you turn
soft, and with hardly any effort you break through them and find
yourself floating in the air, in a beautiful sunny sky filled with
puffy clouds. Below you there is a gorgeous island archipelago. You
feel incredibly peaceful and happy here, like nothing could ever hurt
you again.