There was this man that was hiding in a dark corner of the castle and
bekoned me and I drew near him he said " I will tell you who I am
if you find my arm". I said y-y-your arm "SIR" '' Yes
my arm'' he said in a low creepy tone. I said where is it ? Darn
you! If I asked you to find it do you think I know where it is?Well
you must have felt it come of ! You are a curios creature aren't you?
Yes I replied. Well I lost it in the woods. So I went to look in the
woods then I saw it was a dreadful heavy thing no wonder it fell of I
thought ! So it took me an hour or so to carry it to the top of the
castle he fixed it and came into the light . I was stunned to silence
he was half man half beast . He took me by his hand and bit me then I
felt myself fall.When I woke up I saw my sister was hovering over me
she asked'' Why in the world did you sleep in the corder of the
kitchen'' ? i don't know i was afriad she looked puzzeld. Afraid of
what? I said of the bea---- nothing.