" Faith is the keyword to a strong will, my child"
Pleu smiles in retrospect when he was a young apprentice. His master
had taught him well.
" Mind can be stubborn, discipline your thoughts, you must."
Yoda said to the young apprentice, Pleu.
"Master, if I may say, it is hard to control it. its impossible
"Impossible, you say hmmmn?"
"Impossible, it is not, if you think not "
Beside him was another of Yoda`s good friend, Qui-Gon. He nodded at
Pleu and at Yoda, doing his own training with his light-saber.
"Father?" Rayna shook Pleu from his moment`s reverie.
"What is it little one? he asks, standing up, dusting sandy
grains from his clothing.
"You seem to be lost in thought,is something a matter?"
"No little one, I was just thinking about how happy my friend
would be to see you"
Rayna smiled to her father. "I am excited to meet him too
father, what is his name?"