"No, never ever. we will nto go Tyle." Sabrina says to you.
you frown, you Abbora has changed into a compass, it points to the
west, but no one will go with you. "HE said those dear to
me." JEss wants to but Sabrina will have none of it, and you
other sister is to distracte d by her new job. she never is around.
YOu stanhd face to face...well shoulder to face with sabrina, looking
up at her impatintly. "I am going. jamtart is comeing with me.
Jess." seh looks up at you tears in her eyes. "YOU can come
if you want." YOu turn to pack your things but jess inturupots.
"BUt Sabrina said..." "Sabrina is not your boss or
mine...We are only sisters of the street not blood sisters! She cant
tell you what to do!." YOu slam your door and hear another door
slam as Sabrina goes to her room. "I will go!" jess call to
you as she races about in the main room.