You VERY loudly scream,"Barbara! Snap out of it!!! I'm sure that
after I tell you the legend of the castle, you'll turn completely
white and race away in the blink of an eye." You very quickly
lower your now spine-chilling voice. You catiously continue.
"Once, long ago, a cold-hearted man ruled the castle before your
eyes. His name was Lord Virgil Hamilton. He was EVIL!!!! He paid no
consideration or gratitude to ANYONE! He was so unbelievably crued
that no matter who came to him, even if they offered him gifts, he had
them locked in the musky pitch-black dungeon of the castle!!!!!! So
the legend is, anyone who tresspasses on these extremely cursed and
dark lands will be captured by the the gloomy lurking souls that were
locked away for eternity!!!!!!!" Barbara turns bright red and
burst out giggling hysterically. Just to spite you, she rapidly pedals
her squeaky bike towards the castle. Then, Barbara hears a
brain-freezing howl coming from the castle. She stops dead in her
tracks,screams and speedily pedals away.