It powered me from Hyper to Mega in 1 minute! I think I'll beat you i
a 5 second match!
Oh yeah, just in case you are stonger then you say, I can use Keyoken
×1000 Which you know multiplys my power 1000 times!
You are just plan lucky you didn't hurt my friend, or else I would
have killed you in real life!
But you would not beleave how high my powers grew! I am a Mega Saiyan
a LVL. 8 man. While you were haning out at talkcity, bringing you so
cool poty mouth here, I had faced android 16, 17, 18, 21, and Cell
combine! which is about LVL. 7, I lost a life some impersonater who
said he was my son lost a life thats when I used my most valuable
inventon, the GRPLI(Gamma-ray Power Leval Inhancer)!