Welcome, COme with me, He says.
Assumeing that you have nothing better to do you get up and start to
walk with him.
HA HA HA HA, He starts to laugh manically
"What's so funny?" you ask.
"You are! You trusting fool!" He draws a sword and raises it
above his head! "Your rebelion is crushed!"
You see the sword about to crash through your head when the man
wretches in pain and throws his sword down.
"What happend?" you think aloud.
you turn to your right to see a... kid it looks like. On his face you
see a smug smile.
"ha ha ha!" he laughs.
just then the other man gets up. and starts to run after him. The boy
darts of into the forest and you decide it best to run also. After
running for a while you reach...
You get up.