You scatter the poison all over the ground. These nobles who live in
castles are so spoiled, can't even be bothered to put out their own
poison when death comes calling. They had it coming to them.
You hear a scratching sound from a couple rooms away. It starts out
small, but it keeps getting louder and louder, as if the rats know
there's someone there. You start to get a little nervous, you scatter
more rat poison on the ground. The sound gets louder still, and you
quickly climb onto a nearby table. The sound reaches just outside the
doorway and you jump and cling to the chandelier on the ceiling.
A wave of gray enters the room, sweeping aside the rat poison you had
placed as if it wasn't there. You were awfully naive to think that the
plague was made up of rats, the place didn't smell and there were no
gnawed carcasses lying about. The swarm of gray that gathers below you
now is made up entirely of lawyers in gray business suits.
Several of the more shrewd lawyers beneath you begin questioning your
authorization to hang from that chandelier. The other lawyers are busy
preparing their cases against you, their pens scratching on their
notepads in fiendish delight.
Why is it that the idiots who lived here never thought to whip out the
rat poison? You dive through the window of the nearest building and,
sure enough, in the cupboard above the sink is a huge unopened
container of rat poison.