Obi Wan didn't have to be told this wasn't Sabesthian. He could feel
it. He could feel the cold reflect from his center...he could feel he
wasn't what he appeared to be. This man was actually worse than that.
For he pretended to be an enemy of the Jedi, but he was really an
enemy of the Jedi enemy. This was confusing for the young jedi
trainee. Obi explained it as best he could, "In order for the
Jedi to exist and thrive, the enemy must live to stir the evil in the
universe. If this other entity destroys the Jedi enemy, then we will
have to learn to combat a new and different enemy. This effort can
take eons and we've come so far already. It would be like starting
over at Yoda's birth. Although this imposter is not a direct threat,
he could ruin our strategy all together."