At the Begining of the world a God Created A man out of mud and dust
named Adam when this happened everyone lives for ever If it did'nt
happen god told Adam to not eat Apples from this kind of tree, Because
it would make him die In 1000 years,and the age of people will strink
like every century The age People go up to, Adam was Lonely so This is
when God told Adam to sleep, then god took out A rib of him and
created a girl named Eve, Adam told Eve to not eat the apples of that
tree, and the a snake with legs (In this time snakes had legs) told
her to eat the apple (because satan went Inside the snakes brain) and
when she took a bit lightning went then eve told Adam to eat it (in
that time it was alright to be naked)
and when Adam Ate it they were In barased to be naked and tried to hid
away from god then god told them you are going to die in 1000 years
and made snakes have no legs, plus, put a burning cross on the garden
of eden (thats were it happend) and said no one will be allowed to go
here (which people are being naughty to have a trip to there) and they
left and they had seven children and one of there children was the
first murderer in the world!!!!!!
the end