Indeed, the title page says EYE OF WISDOM ACADEMY: THE MYTHS AND THE
MALEVOLENCE. Curisoity piqued even more--you love logically breaking
down myths and malevolent lies--you turn the page. But when you do,
you are faced with a blank page and something that looks like a
three-dimensional gold dial. You tap the dial, and a friendly,
automated voice says,
"Please state the password. Then press me to proceed."
Hmmm. Now what will you do? Will you try to figure out the password,
leave things alone and pick another book, ask the dial's voice for the
password in hopes it will answer, or try to figure out why you need a
password in the first place?
After a minute, you choose the black book, figuring that any
information about a seemingly bad place like the mysterious EOWA would
be kept in a black file of some kind.