"But I don't know what it is," you muse aloud.
You turn the page, and as if in answer, you find a letter that says,
A subject's assignment in this temporal kingdom consists of his or her
royal gifts. If you do not know your gifts, ask. Wise counsel will
help you to discover them, as will studying and learning about each
gift. If a gift sounds unappealing to you, it probably isn't one of
yours. My blessings, -His Majesty
Now you have a decision to make. Do you go back to your room to
process the information? Do you look for information in the library
about your gifts? Or do you stay and look at the other two
You think the purple one with the gold pages is beautiful, so you open
it. In it, you find a series of letters from Eljeshanai to his
subjects, but the weird thing is, each one has a blank where a name of
a subject should be, as if you're being invited to insert yours. You
do, and discover that each letter seems to be personally addressed to
you and speaks of how deeply Eljeshanai cares for you and wants you to
succeed in your assignment.