"Yes, imposter he is, snack for Yoda?" he says.
"Yes very good Yoda, here is your snack," say a bald guy
throwing Yoda a dog biskit.
"Wait a second....it's past 3:09...Yoda hasn't had his medicine
yet." says Mace.
"Oh yeah, here are your steroids Yoda," says a small rodent
who just walked in.
"Twisted Salad anyone" says the flaming Wallaby that just
walked in. Everybody know that only flaming Wallabys can make twisted
Using this time of confusion, you open the window and climb down the
side of the building. Obi Wan upon seeing the ground falls to his
untimely death. If it hadn't been for that convient pile of pillows
that was laying on the ground he would have surely
"An imposter," the other in the concil whisper.