Fighting is serios business, you gotta know your opponents weakness, or he will just come crawling back!
I've been fight w/ Cell for years! From TalkCity to here, he's been following me for as long as I had the ability to access the internet!
That story Cell told was true, about him, He was chacing me all over, because he wants my power! And if he did, yo and maybe the whole internet would fall into the hands of that hacker. This is true, he is accualy an advanced hacker, he can accualy distoy this site if nothing was to go to plan(like refusing the fact that he swallowed you) face it if I didn't do a banning thing as quick as possible, he would have destroyed this place and prevent good ol' Daniel to ever make another one!
But, I know he is still out there! He will be back, but the posses of Cell ever comming back will take a month. He may even send sm fighters from Talk "Potty" City to try to take over here until he can crack the site!