You stop stock still when you see who it is dragging her up the
stairs. You cower against the wall and he continues up. Dave looks at
you and has a terrified look on his face. You grab his arm and pull
him up the stairs with you. You think of the shriveled up face you had
just seen and wonder if it's worth going after him. You reach the top
of the stairs and turn to the right wondering if this is the way he
went. You open a door and see an old fashioned room. When you walk in
a little ways you notice a skeleton on the bed. It looked as if it had
been struggling. But you knew it had lost. You wonder if whoever your
following did this. Dave pulls you out of there and you shut the door.
Ya'll head down the hall and come to an intersection. You head to the
left instead of going straight not sure of which way you should go.
"HELLO?"You shout hearing it echo through the house. You
then wonder where becky went. You are about to open a door when you
feel someone tap you're shoulder and you and Dave jump ,screaming
and turn around.
You turn and instead of seeing a ghost it's becky. She's sitting
there laughing and holding her stomach. You and Dave frown and say in
unision,"THAT WASN'T FUNNY!!" Ya'll then tackle her. She's
still laughing but not as much as she had been. She stands up shoving
ya'll off and say's,"You know. If you were looking for that guy
you went in the wrong direction. You should have tooken a right at the
intersection." with a smirk she turns around and heads down the