"Please... If it is money you are after, I will give you more
than Shanta would pay. I'll give you anything you want... just don't
turn me in... "
Anything? That's a pretty good deal. But your crotch is still sore
from where it got kicked a few minutes ago. You want revenge on this
elf very badly. And who's to say she won't try to escape? It comes
down to one decision:
Money, or revenge?
Despite this elf's pretty story, your need for cash wins out. So you
pick her up, toss her in an empty burlap sack, and drag her to
Shanta's palace. It's not to hard to find, surprisingly. It's nearby,
has a big S on the front, and all the reward signs point towards it.
You are a little over halfway there when you hear a little squeak from
your prisoner.