Hello Ashley! Here's my story: I found the Neverending Tale site in
December of last year. The best name I could think to use was my
initials: SJO (S is Summer, but that's all I'm saying). I used that
for a while, but I wasn't really satisfied with it. Not a lot of
people were responding to my posts, so I thought I was being ignored.
Then, I got my Myers-Briggs tests scores, which were Intuitive,
iNtrovert, Thinking, and Perceiving. It's a really rare test score,
comprising less than ten percent of our population (I think), so I was
proud of it. Everybody else seemed to be changing their names at the
time, so I changed mine too, and the rest is history. For the first
time in my life, I made friends on the Internet. Then, with
slanderers like Jedi Knight and Sion Shearer coming up, they shamed
me. I announced I would leave this site and promised that neither
INTJ or SJO would write for this site again. I reappeared sometimes
under extreme veil of secrecy just to see how things were going.
Then, Daniel put up that he has hopefully taken care of the slandering
for good, so I felt it was safe to go back. However, I'm a girl of my
word, and I promised not to use my old names again. So, I changed it
again to a number that has shown up so many times in my life, it has
driven me crazy--23! Hopefully, the rest will be history