Dark Jedi:"You fool! We aren't playing "Jedi
Knight"!"(He gestures at Shade and he flys inot the nearest
brick wall)
Shade:(on impact with wall)"OW!"
(Shade gets up)
Dark Jedi:"Impossible!"
Shade:"Hahaha! Come get me!"
(Dark Jedi charges at Shade and cuts his head off. However, the head
that hits the floor is that of a Washu doll!)
Dark Jedi:"What the?..."
Shade:(Behind Dark Jedi):"Neat trick, huh?"
(Washu appears)
Washu:"Don't forget to thank me, kid!"
Puppet A:"You're the greatest, Washu!"
Puppet B:"Pure genius, Washu!"
Washu:"Stop, I'm blushing!"
Puppet A:"The greatest!"
Guess Who:"Pure genius!"
Shade:"Force Absorb is a Light Force Ability, Dark Jedi shouldn't
be able to use it!"