Then, you raise your hand to knock and notice your hand is shaking.
Just then, there is a gruff voice behind you.
"Scuse me, lad. 'Outta me way!" a bulky figure in a tight
beige suit growls impatiently. "I've gotta job te' do, ye' know,
unlike ye' old ragamuffins and 'omeless kids. All day, I see ye'
laggin' 'round an' doin' nothin'... it ain't right, I tell ye'. It
ain't right."
And with that he pulls open the door, and lumbers in. You manage to
peer under his arm and see all sorts of people dressed in similar
beige suits and ironed white blouses with tight black skirts.
You think carefully. Should you go in?
You walk with slow heavy steps to the noble brick building across the
cobbled road. As you reach it's enormous set of double doors. You look
up, and can't help noticing that something isn't right about this
great building looming majestically over the street.