When nighttime comes, you go to the jail where you know the female elf
is being kept. There are no guards around, so you plot out a way to
get inside. You see an open window, and taking your chance, scramble
up it and make it safely inside the jail.
Suddenly, two guards appear, and you duck under a table just as they
"Heh, that feller that gave us the traior was sure a nice
guy," Says the first guard. You shake your head in discust at
your self, ashamed you would turn in someone for money. You think you
must get her back. But as you shake your head, you see a glimmer of
something fall from the jailor's pocket...
When the guards leave, you make your way down empty corridors to the
elf's cell. Her wrists are tightly bound, and her brown knee high
boots are also bound at the ankles. There is a gag across her mouth,
and from the way she looks, she's unconsious and very sick.
Then you notice that the door needs a key. You run back down to where
you saw the glimmer, and sure enough, its the key!
You run back to the cell, open the door, throw the elf over your
shoulder, and you run as fast as you can to the open window, throw the
elf out, and then you climb out into the wilderness.
When you reach outside...
Your sympathy for the elf makes you want to try and rescue her, as
seeing her face as she was dragged off was unbearable.