You spin around.
There is no one in sight.
Frustrated with all the mystery, and more than a little freaked out,
you take a deep breath and throw yourself at the door. It opens easily
and you shut it quickly behind you.
You put your ear to the door listening for any noise from the hallway.
There is no noise from the hallway, but slowly you realize that there
is a sound of wind chimes in the room with you.
There is a skylight in this room as well. This one in the shape of a
spiral with prismatic glass that scatters colored light around the
circular chamber.
This light begins to rotate faster and the chimes increase their
sound. Some force drags you to the center of the room, the lights and
chimes increasing their fury of motion and sound.
You let out a gasp as you are lifted into the air; your mind is once
more overwhelmed with sensation and you black out.
You pull the door closed behind you and lean against it. You decide
that you might as well find out what's behind the other door in the
hallway. With purposeful strides you cover the distance to the door
quickly. Before you get to the door, however, you hear the sound of
running footsteps behind you.