I looked at both of them cautiously as I stared carefully at Barbara
and Dave. She loooked as if she was up to something and I knew
Barbara was always like that, always daring and outgoing, she was
like this since day one. Dave replied, "Why don't we just roll
along to the Movie theater and catch a quick bite"!? Me and
Barbara smiled and each other and we picked up our bikes. We all
agredd with that idea and picked up our shiny bikes and headed down
the hill.
As we where racing down the hot beating sun me and Dave got even
more tired, I mean we where sweating like hot pigs and our bikes where
swerving out of place. Just as we where about to past Linden street
toward Charlies Cinemas a brief gust of wind blew through my shirt and
I smiled happily feeling free minded and cheefull. The walk sign
lighted up and just as I started to pedal I noticed Barbara was gone.
I stopped in the middle of the street and paused! Dave screamed out
"atch out!" and just as I knew it a car hit the back of my
tire and I skided to the melting concrete feeling the burn and the
sting of the awful weather. I couldn't hear anything and I felt a
lquidy sensation dripping from my head down my face. People became to
crowd around and the ambulance lights shined throughout my face. All I
knew next was my mind started to fade in a pure white light and I fell
asleep. As I awoke I was filled with people staring at me overjoyed as
I weakly stood up. I put my hands over my eyes in a strssfull manner
and rotaed my hands in my face in a circular motion. My mom grabbed me
and hugged me as if I was locked in a wrestlers move caught in a
headlock. Dave came up to me screaming out anxiously but not ruinig
the moment between my mother a I. "Im so sorry Junie", his
lips beginig to shake irratically. I said in a whisper where is
Barbara? "She's not here, I found her bike dismantled in peices
within the premasis of the haunted house. What!!!! we must do
something, I'm going to look for her right now and nothing is stoppin