Then, there is a great flash, and, as you turn away, the light light
fades, and, in its place stands a mysterious man in a crimson wizard's
cloak. A deep crimson that, you realize, is also the color of the
crystal and lettering.
The wizard speaks in a grand, low voice, "I am Merlin The Great.
You have obtained two of the Seven Relics of Scrinom. It is now your
solemn duty to find the remaining five, and bring them to me, so that
Caeser may once again rest in peace. As a reminder of this duty, I
shall bestow upon you this scroll, containing the account of Caeser's
You look down at the scroll, and you realize that it is the original
Shakespeare script of Caeser's murder! It's worth millions! You look
up again, and Merlin is gone.
You decide to let go of the crystal, expecting it to fall down to the
ground, motionless. But it doesn't. Instead, it begins floating
gently towards the lettering, and, as it touches the words, a beam of
light descends from the sky, encompassing them both.