The dragon sighs "you must find that out for yourself."
"If I tell you your fate,then it won't come true,but i'll tell
you how to reach it." You start shaking,and nod your head. At
this point, there is no room for fear,so you must stay strong.
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, the
first step you take will either lead you to your doom,or your
glory,but that is a decision you must make for yourself. Be
warned,young one,there are many dangers on your journey,and if you
aren't careful death could be in your cards. You see these three doors
behind me?" he asks gesturing at three shiny golden doors. You
nod once again. "One of them leads straight to your fate,without
any obstacles,one of them leads straight to your doom with many
horrendous obstacles,and the one in the middle has some obstacles and
could take you either way, it depends on your choices. Follow your
instincts,not what is logical" Dana said. "Now choose your
path". You choose.....