hello i am tyler5 so i am told i passed out 100000 years ago when i
met david archeleda in 1472 it might have been 781 i dont remember but
i do remember eating the first hershys bar in the year 23 oh no i
forgot my eletricc guitar in the uyear 906 that was my favriote year
the year that i was hit by a lightining bolt and a large suv.in
10000B.C i found my cousin his name is south america leader of asia he
was the one who came up with the idea of the lightbulb or was it
CHOCLATE doughnuts either way he was a great person he also created
the computer and microsoft word evey one says bill gates discovered it
but that is not true my cousin did i invented hot choclate and milk
cholcate and choclate coffee beans that was my greased discovery even
better then the tim tachine i invented.