Before you go on this mission, you are a bit curious about the side
mission the elf mentioned. "Can you tell me more about the side
mission?" you ask. "Certainly!" the elf exclaims. The
elf drew a jewel out of his pocket. The jewel gave off a brilliant
dazzle that light up the whole room and brought such a cheerful mood
to the room that your heart swelled and you stared at the jewel with
amazement. The elf clearly enjoyed your bedazzlement. "This jewel
is a very important link to saving the kingdom. A long time ago, the
elves of protection collected these very jewels from the creatures of
the forest. The creatures told them the importance of the jewel and
it's purpose for their cause. It could deflect attacks and give out an
infinite amount of attacks at the same time. The jewel never lost it's
brilliant shine, so the jewel also had a very special power that could
blind all of it's enemies. There were multitudes of these jewels
secured in our storehouses with thick padlocks and reinforced steel
doors and walls. The individual jewels were each locked into sturdy
boxes made of the same material of the storehouse, with the same heavy
protection. Plus, guards were stationed at the storehouse 24/7 and
were heavily armed. But the king's forces broke into the storehouse
one day. Thankfully, the king and his forces did not obtain any of the
keys, but they did smuggle out every single box of jewels we were
protecting. Now they are rabidly searching for the keys, but hey will
never get the chance to get them, as we are sure they are secure and
safe. But just in case, we would like for you to safely return the
boxes to their rightful owners. There will be some of our assistants
there to help you once you get to the castle safely." Would you
like to accept or decline this side mission?