Could this mysterious room be a dungeon? Could the others be captives
in the jail? Could you be one of the captives? Questions spin
furiously around in your head. Suddenly, the door closes behind you
and the windows around you that were once streaming in steady, bright
light are snapped over by large reinforced steel blocks. Large steel
bars slide over the entrances and exits, and the floor sinks down and
more steel blocks replace it. You realize this is so no one can create
any cracks or dents in the floor, wall, or ceiling for that matter.
Large figures come out of the darkness behind you and clap handcuffs
on your hands and feet and then roughly push you into an available
bunk. Later, when all of the captives have filed in and have had their
handcuffs clapped onto them, another large figure appears out of the
darkness and ties a rope to each of the captives and then ties the
other end of the rope to a bracelet around his wrist. Each of the
captives moan under their breath as they prepare for their hard work
day. You look wildly around you and take in the sights of each of the
moaning captives and their, and your, captors.