Your name is Rehk, you are from a race of humans who can levitate, and
you come from a planet that is in the middle of a large world-war.
You father rediscovered the ancient method of entering other
universes, and told no one but you about it. He believed that the end
of the war would come from another universe, and sent you out to find
that answer. It is your mission to bring peace to your planet.
You scream as you plunge toward the bottom of the canyon, then, as
easily as moving your arms or legs, you manage to float in mid-air.
At first it surprises you and you just hover above the canyon floor.
Then, as you adjust to the strange sensation, you begin to fly around
the canyon. Flying becomes as natural to you as it would be to a
falcon, and you enjoy the feeling of freedom that it gives you. Your
amnesia begins to disapear as you fly, and you remember who you are.