"Well ello there!"
You start, and snap your head up, wide eyed. A short lankey fellow,
stands over you with a cheesy grin pasted on his face. You guess that
he must be some sort of dwarf or elf of some sort due to his size.
You pound the ground straining to run as fast as your legs can carry
you, dodging incoming lighting bolts and avoiding any more falling
objects. You burst inside the shack and slam the door behind you with
a gasp and exaustedly slide down against the closed door. You feel the
splintered texture of the wet wood against your skin as you rest
against it, catching your breath. Your body reminds you of your
bleeding head and battered body, and you grimace in pain as the
throbbing headache returns. Frustrated, you run a hand through your
matted hair and try to make out what in the world is going on. Last
time you remember you were safe in your home but now....