"Dana, you may not know it, but in that castle is your father. He
is not a nice man. He tried to kill you, you see. He's the king of
this land, and he didn't want you to take over his kingdom when he
finally died." The rat quickly says to you.
"Dana, it is your destiny to end your father's rule. While he has
succeeded in erasing your memory, he hasn't yet erased your soul. You
must go into that castle and defeat him. I will be with you,
always." As soon as the rat had said that, it shimmered, and
changed form.
Now, in front of you, was a strangely ratlike old man, with a sword at
his waist. "I am your protector." he said. "Now, let's
go into the castle and get your kingdom back!"
The rat leads you through a network of alleys, until he finally stops.
You look up. You are in front of an enormous, dark castle. Guards
patrol the gates. Overall, it looks like a very evil place.