Paige, once agian, smiles.
"Alright, first of all, you were found in a desert,
Wait, there's a desert called tokiana?" You ask.
"Yes." She says, patiently.
"You were shot by aidi grath, A member of a kidnapping group, the
samisdq's, which unforutuatley, is not yet caught, although, mr.grath,
was. You were believe to have been their next target.
You must be wondering why you didn't die. Well, luckily, aidi has very
bad aim, so when he shot, he shot the right side of your neck. For
now, part of your vocal cords are paralyzed, which is why you can't
talk very well right now, but they will be able to be fixed. Your
parents have been informed, and will arrive a bit before your surgery.
I have some pain-killer, if you like. I trust that it must hurt quite
a bit. You are very luckily to have survived, I must