There is a very short man standing in front of you. He is kind of
chubby and is wearing a green outfit with bright yellow buttons down
the front.
He doesn't look dangerous.
"Uh.. who are you?" you ask the little man.
"My name is AleXander." (the X always must be capital,
anyone who will add a path)
YOu smile and extend a hand. "I'm _(your name)_. Uh... what are
you? A human?"
"I am a munchkin from munchkin land," AleXander says.
"And that is my sandwich you are holding!"
You glance down at the sandwich in your other hand. "Oh but I am
so hungry! At least let me have a bite!"
AleXander shakes his head. "No. Thats my lunch. But if you want
some food, just take that path into the forest until you come to a
little pink house. YOu will be given food there."
"Unhand that sandwich!" YOu hear a voice behind you. You
spin around.