"How do we get out of here???" you ask "jump." she
you jumped!
you fall..
and fall..
and fall
A black hole forms above the forest... and you fall out of it!!!!!!
You run. thats all you can think of. YOU RUN. thats all you can do.
you have to get out of here. You and kerri jump in to the water....
And fall asleep
You wake up and rember whats happening you remember where you......
....were!!!!!! You are now rushing through the solar system you see
Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, EARTH!!!!!! you head
for earth.
As soon as you enter the atmosphere you start falling you reckognize
your country it's pretty hard to miss after what you've been through.
you also see your town and it's content.
You see the Haunted castle. The ancient lake of tibhalus with tyle
sands in the middle you see the willow glade! and you're glad you see
them all!
You land in a grassy field just south of the lake.
It is night. you look up at the the stars and think about what you
did... EVERYTHING!!! you acomplised everything! did everything you
needed to do.......
....for now
Even today you can here Moodara's laugh........
"KERRI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" you yell "KERRI! Can you hear
me??" Kerri looks at you she stares at you coldly coldly then
Moodara comes down "Oh..... if isn't the little adventurer"
he taunts "Do you want your mommy.......? here havea sucker"
Kerri's eyes glow blue. Moodara continues "momma? dada? HAHAHA!!!
Don't ya wish you never found that box??" Kerri comes closer.
Moddara doesn't notice he just keeps on taunting you "Oh dear...
what are ya gonna do cry on me throw up on me??" you want to.
Kerri is right behind Moodara. Moodara just keeps taunting you
"OH you sucker!!!!!......" "Excuse me Moddara,
But-" you start. Kerri gladly finishes your scentence
"You're the sucker!" she uses her amulet on Moodara. he
turns into water. Kerri unlocks the door.