"Now, my lord, will you do me a small favor in return for my
servantry?" Keri asks.
"Uh, sure," you say. "What is it?"
"Simply gaze into my eyes, and I shall set you free," Keri
answers. You shrug and stare into Keri's eyes, which are a
deep...deep...deeeeeep...veeeeeeery deeeeeeeeeeeeeep...deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep...suddenlyyou
sit up straight in your chair. All you can see is Keri's deep blue
eyes. A strange dizzy feeling comes over you.
Unknown to you, the Prince of Moodara enters and smiles at Keri.
"You have done your work well, maiden," he says. "Yes,
the lad shall do very well for our adventure." He walks up to
Suddenly, you hear a strange voice...a gentle voice saying, "Lad,
lad, stand up and lie down upon the floor."
Then another voice proceeds from the deepness of Keri's eyes.
"Servant, rise. Rise and lie upon the floor." Suddenly,
you feel very unsteady. Yet you realize you are getting to your feet.
The voice compels you to lie upon the floor. You feel nothing, see
nothing, hear nothing but Keri. Keri has you completely under her
The Prince of Moodara smiles at Keri. "Keri, make him do as is
Again, you hear the compelling voice: "Servant, follow the Prince
of Moodara."
Suddenly, you see a gorgeous man dressed in rags who is staring at
you. He beckons toward you, and his voice of "Come with me"
compels you toward him, like a magnet. You follow him down to a
dinner table, where he sits you down. Suddenly, you jolt out of your
"Eat this food, lad," says the Prince. "It will make
you better." You shrug again and take a bite of the
delicious-looking chicken. It tastes very good. But soon, you begin
to feel dizzy again. You try to stand, but you fall back in your
"Ess...essscuse m-meeee..." you say unsteadily. "I'm
triiiiiiiiiiired," you mutter as you collapse in your
"What is the matter?" Keri asks, smiling sweetly. She
gestures to a beautiful cushioned chair. "Will my lord
sit?" she asks. She puts an extra cushion on the chair. When
you sit in the chair, you are totally relaxed. Keri sits at your