a bat comes out and rather than becoming a vampire, it becomes the
goat that stole bob dole's wife then you transform into bob dole and
you two fight bob dole is victorious but by defeating the goat the
goat spirit lives on and infests and takes over bob dole's
body...um....the goats spirt also...goes in to a cat(but no one knows
that)....the cat becomes..evil..yesyes!...and then...it starts
meowing...but instead of a cat meow...it was mysteriously like a
"baabaa" sorta thing....it followed both of you through the
house....it thinks of away..to revenge its death...with the two of you
because it turns out that you are bob dole's sisters..dog's cousin's
pets mother..that comes to live with you,hence the connection with you
and bob dole..hmmm...yesyes...you some how...got stuck into a
room...doesnt matter how you just did...dont ask questions...nothing
makes sence...so plz...dont complicate my life with more
questions...anyway back to the cat....you turn around and you see
nothing but when you turn back...there it is....staring at you with
its black evil eyes....alll the sudden....the cat
howls"mwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaa!"...and your
like..."um..okay...yea". and the cat snaps its paws...and
ten more cats appear...all with a bow and arrows....they tie you
up...and....but all the sudden...a crash comes through the door and
casper van dien..comes(who is he you ask..a GOD among..low budget
actors, seen in starship trooper)..and kicks...those..evil..kitties...booties...yes.