Sonic and Knuckles : Sparx
One day, as Sonic was helping Knuckles do a daily partol of the
Floating Island, they noticed something strange. "Man, everything
is way past silent!" said Sonic. "Yeah, I know what you
mean, even the Chaotix is a little jumpy today, and you know that it's
never happened before!" replied Knuckles. "Well, I better
juice to the border, I'm supposed to meet Tails there!" "See
"Well, well. I see that you two have patched things up!"
said Archimedes. "Not exactly, I just need occasional help
patrolling the Island. Sonic knows Robotnik's traps better than I do,
anyway, we don't need to fight anymore! Someday we might do serious
damage to the Island and Mobius some day!" said Knuckles.
"Oh, and by the way, someone new has arrived on the Island; an
echidna!" "No wonder everyone was so jumpy, they probably
thought that it was one of my vengeful relatives." "Hey
what's that?" asked Archimedes. "I don't know, but let's
follow it!" replied Knuckles.
The duo followed the strange figure all the way into Mushroom Hill
Zone, but all they saw was Charmy Bee. "Charmy, go and tell
Sonic, Tails, and the rest of the Chaotix to rendez-vous at the old
temple in Sandopolis Zone...and hurry!" said a worried Knuckles.
"Righteeo!" said Charmy in reply. "Knuckles, I need to
go check something else out, but I'll be with you as soon as
possible!" said Archimedes. "All right! See you then!"
In half an hour, Knuckles arrived at Sandopolis Zone, sonic had just
arrived as well. "Man, your fast!" remarked Knuckles. Just
then, a trap door opened underneath the two. While Knuckles was
falling, he saw someone before he fell unconcious.
"Ooh, what happened to me?" asked Knuckles as he was waking
up. "Ssh!" said a voice, "You hurt yourself when you
fell." "Who are you?" asked Knuckles. "My name is
Sparx." stated Sparx. "Another Echidna?" said the
confused Echidna, "I thought I was the only one left!"
"No, your not!" said Sparx. "Hey, who's that?"
asked Sonic as he woke up, dazed and confused. "Hi, I'm
Sparx." "Oh, hi...hey, I thought that no other echidna's
were living here!" said Sonic. "I just found my way here,
but how do we get out of here?" asked Sparx. The trio inspected
the dimly lit pit. The only way out was up.
By then, Tails and the Chaotix had arrived at the temple. "Ok,
where are Sonic and Knuckles?" asked Tails. "I thought that
we were supposed to meet them here." "That's what he...hey,
what's that?" asked Charmy "A piece of Knuckles'
glove!" "They must be down there!" said Espio the
Chameleon. And just then out came three very dust figures. "Man,
you guys need a bath!" exclaimed Vector. "Give us a
break!" said Sonic. "Who's that?" asked Mighty.
"This is Sparx." said Knuckles. "Cool name!" said
Tails. "Thanks. Um, who are all of you?" asked Sparx. This
is Tails the Fox, Mighty the Armadillo, Espio the Chameleon, Charmy
Bee, and Vector the Crocodile." said Sonic. "You already
know Knuckles and me."
Later on, after everybody had left, Sparx and Knuckles were walking
along on the edge of the Floating Island. Knuckles was explaning the
history of the Island. He also explained all of the trouble they had,
he warned Sparx about Robotnik. "What kind of psycho is he? I'd
really like to kick his butt all over that would be
fun." said Sparx. All of a sudden, they saw an explosion on the
Main Land. "What's that?" asked Sparx. "I don't know,
but let's glide down and check it out." said Knuckles. "But
what about the Island?" "Archimedes will take care of
it." The two glided down. They were horrified at what they saw;
Robotnik was in a mech-suit and was torching the forest. "That's
Robotnik, eh?" asked Sparx. "Yep." answered Knuckles.
"Let's go and kick some butt!" said Sparx.
At that time, Sonic and Tails were chowing down on chili dogs. KABOOM
"What in the world is that?" asked Tails.
"Robotnik!" stated Sonic bluntly. The duo juiced to the
shoreline, there, they met up with Sparx and Knuckles. "So, how
do we stop Flabbio this time?" asked Knuckles. "Hmm...well,
we could try shattering his windshield.." said Sonic. "Let's
do it!" they all said. First, Sonic did a figure eight, but it
had no effect. Knuckles used his fists, but nothing happened. Sparx
decided that she would go around to the other side of the mech-suit.
Uh-oh thought Sparx. She ran around to warn the others about what she
had seen. But, before she had said a word, Robotnik had used the
zappers to knock her unconcious. "Sparx!" cried Knuckles.
"Ha ha ha ha ha!" laughed Robotnik, "That same
punishment will be yours too, Sonic and Knuckles. "We need the
Chaotix!" said Knuckles. "Tails, go get the Chaotix, then go
to Knothole!" "On my way!" replied Tails. By then,
Sonic had placed Sparx on a nearby rock, well out of harms way.
Mighty, Vector, Espio, and Charmy were relaxing under mushrooms in
Mushroom Hill Zone. Vector looked in the sky, and remarked,
"Isn't that Tails?" "Guys, Knuckles and Sonic need your
help!" said Tails frantically," Robotnik is torching the
forest over there!" He pointed to the smoke rising into the sky.
"Let's go!" said Espio, "Charmy, stay here and mind the
island." "Sure!" replied Charmy. The Chaotix went to
the fight scene while Tails went to Knothole to get the Freedom
Back at the fighting scene, Sonic and Knuckles were still trying to
defeat Robotnik. They were having a lot of trouble; Tails was still
gone, and Sparx was still unconcious. Sonic had tried his buzz-saw
manouver on the mech-suit, but it had no effect. Knuckles was
wrestling with the zappers, nearly getting zapped! "Need a
hand?" asked Espio. "We need all the hands we can get!"
said Sonic. "Ok, listen up, distract him while I try to get
in," said Espio, "since I'm a chameleon, I'll just blend in
with the scenery.!" And, he did blend in. Espio went around to
the other side of the mech-suit, he noticed an escape hatch and
started to pry it off when he noticed the zappers. Since they could
not "see" him, he was able to get into the suit without any
In Knothole, Tails had just arrived. "What's the matter?"
asked Rotor. "!" said Tails
who was out of breath. "Don't worry, we can watch the fight over
the monitor. They can manage without us." said Sally. "But
Sparx got hurt!" blurted out Tails. Sally was shocked, she jumped
on her air-bike and headed to where Sparx lay. She told Tails and
Rotor to stay put.
"Whoo-boy!" thought Espio, "Lard-boy is even more
stupid than I thought!" "Bah, those idiots think that they
can stop me! I will prove them all wrong!" exclaimed Robotnik.
Espio snuck up behind Robotnik and searched the mainroom. Then he
spotted it; the eject button. He raised his fist and slammed it on the
button. "Huh?" asked Robotnik,
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" "Now, where's the
auto-destruct button?" asked Espio, "Ah, there it is."
He made sure that the escape hatch was open, then he pressed the
auto-destruct button. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" The Chaotix and
Sonic saw Robotnik fly through the air with a look of horror in his
face. Then they saw the mech-suit tremble violently, Espio ran out
unseen, just before it exploded into a million little pieces.
"Espio!" cried Vector. "What?" asked the
still-hidden chameleon. "You almost gave us a heart attack!"
said Knuckles. By then Sally had arrived. Sonic and Knuckles carried
Sparx to the air-bike. She was placed gently onto the carrying bed,
and was transported to Knothole.
"An hour later, thing still didn't look good. Sparx was still
unconcious. Sally hooked her up to Nicole. Still, nothing happened!
Then all of a sudden, Sparx's eyes flew open. "Sparx!" cried
Knuckles, "you're all right!" "Yep I sure am, Knuckles,
may I live on the Floating Island?" asked Sparx.
"Sure!" "Thanks!" "On behalf of Knothole and
the Freedom Fighters, we welcome you to come and visit Knothole
whenever you like!"
After that, they had a party. Knuckles took sparx to a hut on the
Island. They all had a good night's Sleep!